
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to let GH move components so that a selected pair of connector ends create a perfectly straight line?

For me personally, I found that the more straight lines there are in a definition the easier it is for me to comprehend. So I always try to have as many as possible.

Thanks for any tips.

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You used to be able to nudge the components with the keyboard arrow keys to get them to move until you were satisfied, but alas this has stopped working as Rhino is "eating up" the arrow key commands.

You can use the Canvas Widget Align to get components to line up. When you select multiple components you will see a dashed rectangle appear around the edge of your selection on each edge are four options

3 align to either one of the edges or the centre and the other distributes components evenly over the space.

If you are not seeing this you can activate the widget by Selecting the option from Display>Canvas Widgets>Align

But this will only straighten wires if the components have the same outputs and spacing etc.

Best I can offer at the moment.

Best I can offer at the moment.

Best there is at the moment. Once upon a time I started writing an automatic layout engine but it was abandoned. Maybe I'll give it another shot for GH2.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Yeah, I use the align functions extensively, too, and they're awesome.

Anyhow, thanks for the info guys.

Hi David,

I have both instances of 0.90014 and 0.9.0055 running in Rhino 5 and ALT+Drag works in the old version but not in the new. If It's Rhino 5 at fault why does one work but not the other?

That's odd. I suppose I'll start looking there to see what the difference is.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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