
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to steam a data from one Panel into any file type.
Then I would like to stop steaming it, until I get a particular values in the steam file.
To be precise, the values in Panel will change, but I would like to keep the ones I wanted in the steam file.
I did this by simply unchecking the "Steam Contents" on the Panel's right click menu.
I tried using a couple of file formats for steam file: .txt, .csv, .dat ...

Then I turned off the grasshopper definition. And when I got back into the folder where the steam files should be, there were only .dat .log maybe even .dbt I do not recall.

What seems strange is that .txt disappeared and .csv was empty.

Why is this happening? I unchecked the "Steam Contents" before quitting from the grasshopper definition. So I guess that should mean that the last values that were written in the steam file, should remain. But .txt and .csv files are not "obeying" this rule. Why is that?

Thank you.

Views: 745

Replies to This Discussion

What would the trigger be? i.e. what criteria has to be met to change the contents of the panel?

It can be any criteria. It's not important.

When I get desired results (visually I identify them in the Panel) then I just uncheck the "Steam Contents".

Are you using version 0.9+?

if so then you can use the Data Dam with the option of Never, so that it will only update when you click the Play button, but as soon as the input changes it won't update until you choose to do so.

Thank you for the reply Danny.

I am still sticking it to the 0.8.0066.
I might update but not that soon.






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