
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is there away to trigger the looping and reset functions with boolean toggles rather than using the right-click menu or the monitor window?

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I believe there is currently no way. However it would be  nice if implimented in a later release.

Yes hoopsnake is great. Is it possible to add a imput called "AutoLoop" as a boolean, and every times the AutoLoop value is true, the component will execute the loop.

It is very important, and will change a lot the using of this component!!!

So... how does the T input work?  Does it only reset the counter?  My impression was that you could use the T input to trigger a loop.... but in practice, it does not seem to work.  This is super frustrating, since basically I can't automate anything without this ability.  Has anyone found a workaround?


It seems that the T input only works if it is connected to an output of a hoopsnake iteration...  what would be really useful to me is using a number or value in the definition so that Hoopsnake does an AutoLoop each time something changes in the definition.    Having to right click is SO SO lame and screws up my whole automation process...  :(

Other than that, HS is great!

Any update on this? Hoopsnake is dope!, but right clicking to trigger each iteration is very annoying... Also, on a related note, is there anyway to adjust the speed of the iterations on auto loop? The current speed is a little fast and it is hard to understand what is happening.






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