
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys. I try to explain what I'm trying to do as clear as possible. 

I've a sort of "grids of squares" (1ST, 2ND, 3RD, ...), I need to select squares that only exist in 1ST, 2ND, 3D "grids of squares". As you can see, at the top I shown the required selection (possible selection that could be used for each examples). As result I need to have selected only squares that exists in each "grid of squares". Hope that someone could help me. 

Views: 1078

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Hi Landscape,

Same as your case before, use containmentEx, then filter the boolean result with Gate And.



Hi Yasser. Your definition works perfectly, it's what I wanted. But I would like to use these grids (grids could be more than 3, this is only an example).


It's ZUI, without scripting (VB, C#), you must manually add the parameter via ZUI.

Also look at the attachment with your 3dm example file.


OK, perfect. But how I can select squares as I can see in"result"? I need for each grid a selection as "result". Sorry Yasser

This is another approach without And Gate, plus your request for each grid.



OK, it's quite perfect, is there a way to select original squares instead of "rectangle battery"??

Of course, make a new containmentEx and list item component.

- Use B output in Dispatch for P input in ConEx,

- Make a connection between Entwine to C input in ConEx and L input in list item,

- Use the index of first region [I] to pick original squares with list item. 

Amazing!! This is what I wanted!! Many many many thanks Yasser, U saved me!! ;-)

Hi guys. I would like to connect first definition with 2nd Yasser definition. My definition grouping squares, there are 4 groups, it will be more than 4. Top group of squares must be the "right selection" for the other groups. Hope that someone could help me.


Anyone?? ;-)

Dude, still don't know what do you want to achieves.

Maybe this.


Can't open your definition because I've a previous version of GSH. Could U upload an image of your definition? Thanks a lot.






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