
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I stumbled upon a solution in which you can split a list (in this case randomly) into more than one set. 

To use:

  1. Select your data, in this case I was splitting a list of Brep Objects into 3 random sets of data with a randomization on the sets so that I would get different groupings. 
  2. Select the number of sets to split into.
  3. select your seed number.
  4. then go through and select all items with sting matching selected number

Your output will be all items in the original list that match the current string you're looking at. 

I may expand this later to split all sets of data but for now this works for me. Let me know if useful. I didnt see any other ways of doing this online, figured it may help you all out. 

If theres another way please post. I would be interested in seeing alternatives.

Views: 5192

Replies to This Discussion

Hey Erick, thanks for sharing. What is the expression you use in your construct domain?





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