
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello world;)


currenty im working on a project in which im trying to get around with grasshopper. 

im relative new to GH, i have only tried some tutorials before. i loved it but somehow didnt find the time to work with it.


the project is about facade strips which turns along height. the top angle is

parallel to the facade and the bottom is max. 90 degrees twisted, but the strips

should turn diffrently to achieve more dinamic look.


first i have tried to achieve this by calculating distance between the rotation angle from points of the grid and a single point.


 then i have tried to ad some more effecting points and used the distance to the divided surface (the circles are just to control the area of effection):

i manually lofted it.

the result is a bit annoying becouse the points that effect the angle are always visible:

i have triend to solve this by drawing a line and divided it to recieve points along the bottom of the geometry. the result is not working properly:




there must be a better/smoother  way to achieve this.  i would like to effect the twist of the surfaces by distance to a spline, but im just lost. can you help me please?



the problems im encountering:

0- distance spline to grid to effect the angle 

1- list of x/y coordinates and angle of rotation for each point of the grid

2- export points to excel

3- lofting lines in one direction only (x1, x2, x3...)

4- reduce the list data to 2 decimal (0,00)

5- maybe angle from radian to degrees



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