A completely reworked release of SpiderWeb is available for download (shortly).
New features:
- SpiderWeb now uses directed Graphs for its calculations. This enables to model e.g. one way streets or escalators.
- Instead of DataTrees representing the Graphs new Params (GH_graphVertexList and GH_GraphEdgeList) are passed between the components. Components to parse from / convert to the old DataTree structures are provided. This helps to speed up SpiderWeb (quite a lot).
- SpiderWeb can be used within VB/C# script components and (more important) a .NET documentation is available.
- Additional components are added (some old components are missing and will be updated as soon as possible)
- In theory SpiderWeb can now be used in other parametric Design environments supporting .NET libraries. e.g. DesignScript (there seam to be problems when using SpiderWeb in DesignScript Studio. This is most likely because DesignScript Studio is still an alpha release)
- A SpiderWeb documentation is being built.
- SpiderWeb now preforms even faster!
The new release will break any old definitions!
Please help to improve and provide feedback.