
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have a suggestion to speed up things while working on a partial aspect of a larger definition:

When working on one of those, i use the "selective preview" quite a bit, to focus on that particular aspect.

The bummer is, though, that any change of a parameter will recalculate the whole definition (which takes around 40 seconds in my concrete situation... it contains a few solid difference components).

Of course i can switch on and off different groups/areas, which is also what i do, but it becomes quite a fuss disabling/ enabling things all the time.

So my suggestion: Would it be thinkable that grasshopper only calculates all the nodes UP TO the one that is currently selected and visible?

And only do a complete recomputation when one goes back to full preview.

What do you think?


Views: 866

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Hi Patrick,

it would be possible, maybe even not that difficult, but I'm going to post-pone thinking about this until after I release the next version.

0.9.0001 will feature a Data Dam object that can delay data. Perhaps this will already be enough to squeeze some more performance out of large files.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Judging by the version number of the next release, there must be quite a few upgrades on the list... looking forward to it.







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