
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

EDIT : New components for on screen smoke and mirrors.

There are 4 new components, example attached. 

osSlider = displays slider

osToggle = displays true/false toggle

osDisplay = shows any text

osHideGH = Hides GH window.



Views: 8782


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Hi Mateusz

Thanks for sharing.  I think it is very useful to use a combobox and this is my result. But it does not work very well...


thanks alot

Hi all,

Maybe some of you will be interested in these small scripts I made...I didn't set it up but I think spaghetti could use this all right.



Hi All.

Sorry for bringing back such an old thread...

I came across this and like what it does... however when i tried to use it I am getting two errors:

1. Error (BC30561): 'font' is ambiguous, imported from the namespaces or types 'System.Drawing, Rhino.DocObjects'. (line 85)

2. Error (BC30002): Type 'windows.Forms.Label' is not defined. (line 116)

I know the errors are inside the code (VB script?) but I am unsure how to correct.

Am i missing another plugin for grasshopper? I am running the latest version of Rhino, the latest version of grasshopper and Windows 8.1 64bit.

Thanks in advance!


same here.

need help!

I've fixed some errors - here's a working version!


I already forgot why I need this. But thank you anyway!

I know this is an old topic, but i'm using this scripts for a logistics managment project I'm developing at the office, I'd like to know if it's possible to introduce lists with more than one item in the components, I have data for multiple texts I want to show on the display, and by the moment i have to copy the Script and conect each data in a diferent component so that i can achieve what i want, would it be possible to introduce multiple elements in the inputs and let the script deal with the data matching as in any other gh components?







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