HI fellows,
I agree that the concept of Null Item is very very useful ,but i cant see the same thing for Empty Branch.
I am confused when and why an empty branch appears? and I even doubt it is a necessary for Empety Branch??For example, I have a list of 59 line-like curve and 12 breps. I use the BCX component to show the intersection conditions .What I expect is, if they intersect somewhere, point(s) is dectected, if not ,a null item appears.But now empety branch appears.Then I found it's much harder to handle these empty branches than null items.For short, see picture below:
what I expect here is: {0;0;0},{0;0;1},{0;0;2},and otner empty branches contains one null item each..And I cant insert a null into an empty branch..So my wish this time is Empty Branch would be canceled or at lest reconsidered..what do you think??hope someone can help me out~