
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here are two questions about the pattern for a building skin, I think its not hard to resolve, but i just could not find the way out as a gh starter.

1. I played around the diamond pattern in 2d surface and am trying to wrap it to a skin ('map to surface'), but I found the edges at both side could not be connected properly because the 2D surface was divided into diamonds and triangulates. 

When I mapped the 2D surface to a skin, the seam was solid. So is there any way that i can make the seam as same as the other part of the skin?

2. To further play with the pattern, i tried to subdivide some portion of the diamonds by using 'Quadsub' to make some of the diamond 50% smaller.

I intent to have some point attractors () to control the random reduce, so that I have have relatively more big openings in some specific areas (depends on how much is the 'Jitter' value? (Shuffling strength))

Please see the attached 3dm and gh files

THANKS in advance for any help!!


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CIf it is diamond or hexagon pattern you will always get edge tiles that would be two types and in general result in 9 if statements to identify them when you loop through points on nurbs surface or curve divisions (both have start and end points/domains). So in your situation you have to identify end tiles and create clean new ones. And it may differ if you divide by 2n or 2n+1. In gh it will be a bit messy but while scripting it is more straight forward.

Thanks for your suggestion!!


Take a look at the attachment if you want. It's a bit messy.


Thanks for your help! I didn't realise Weaverbird could work as well with the pattern! 






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