
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I added the same post in the general forum, maybe I should have sent it here. I was making some trials with kangaroo components, working with the equilateralize example in GH 0.9.0006. I've changed all the components to the new release, all of them work well but the VertexNeighbours component, is there any problem with the mesh or the definition??

thanks in advance


Views: 501


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Pepe,

It looks like the problem is caused by the output from the WeldVertices component. Without looking at it in more depth I'm not sure exactly what is going on here, but it can be fixed by running it through a WbJoin component.

Also - you are currently equalizing all the mesh edge lengths with each other. Note that this will have a different effect than equalizing each set of 3 edges for each triangle (which allows the triangles to vary in size but all stay approximately equilateral)


thanks Daniel, it works pretty well!!

Getting approximately equilateral triangles is exactly what I'm trying to do. I just found out the PullToSurf component, very usefull, and i tried to get a 3 edges set for each face but for sure I'm doing something wrong, at the end I get a messy distribution. Could it has anything to do with curvature or any other feature of the surface??

By the way, is there any way to control connectivity?? I mean some way to change those nasty flip edges. Probably i could open a new discussion with this issue...



sorry Daniel, I don't Know why a can't attach the new file...

I have updated the attached files






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