
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to generate a surface from the union of a loft and some spheres. The objective is to divide that surface and possibly panelize it. I'm facing trouble when trying to unite it. I've made several attempts, and sometimes the Solid Union works but the panelization fails. The idea is to make a skin where the spheres and the loft merge to make a single surface that can be divided and panelized. Please if you know any other way around or if you find any solution for this that would be great.  

Views: 1559


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Hi, just fixed the solid union capping the untrimed surface.

Mr. Canada,

That little detail helped me allot.

Thanks so much mate.

See this file ...


Mr. Jmv,

Thanks for your help,

I checked the definition, but it seems that the spheres disappeared.

I don't know if the problem is from the version, since i'm in the faculty pcs...

The objective was to pannelize the skin of the spheres too?

Which is a kind of a complex thing that i believe grasshopper wont be able to solve.

Until then the only solution i've found until now... was to export it to Revit, and pannelize it there.


And why not this

Mr. Jmv,

Well thats another story m8.
i'm still a begginer.


Thanks so much.






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