
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i've been doing a project in grasshopper which involves these plates that are stacked, and i want to subtract spheres out of those plates. When i do a solid difference in grasshopper, it cuts the spheres into the plates, but keeps the edges of the plates intact. I would want the spheres to cut the edges of the plate too. Can anyone help?

I am attaching the rhino and grasshopper files here . Thanks a lot!

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rain, since your plates are surfaces, not solids, the solid difference won't work. Also, you don't need spheres, just circles will suffice. Then you can use Region Difference:

Thanks a lot Pieter! This was helpful!

Alternatively, You cant use solid difference. Why? because a surface is not a solid. Instead use trim solid. Also, your lists must match structure so gh knows which surface to trim with which sphere. So graft the input for the surfaces.







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