
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I received multiple emails about solar fan and solar envelope and if I want to add this components to Ladybug. Here is how you can calculate both of them with shading designer!

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Excellent Saeran.



Could someone tell me which file is the one of Chris, where I could change month, day and time of hours for solar fan? I have tried all files in this topic, but I can not seam to find it.



Hi Petar, I'm attaching the most recent version of Chris's work. It works based on sun vectors. You should use the sunpath to generate sun vectors for months, days and hours that you are looking for.


Thank you for responding for me, Mostapha.  The last few days have been pretty busy.  I have attached a GH definition that shows how to use my solar fan and envelope components.  I would suggest opening the GH definition with a weather file that does not generate too many sun vectors for the criteria that I list in the sunpath conditional statement.  If more than 500 vectors are being used to construct the solar fan or envelope, the calculation can take upwards of a minute.  Let me know if you have any other questions, Petar.


Hi Saeran,

Do you mind looking at this example?

No explanations needed. You'll see by yourself.

Any suggestions?




Hmm, think it was just a sloppy conditional loop. This should work:

Also, I noticed the curve needs to be flipped, or else the solarEnvelope messes up...I need to find a better solution for it.



Hi Saeran,

Is there a chance that you uploaded a wrong file?

It works the same as the one i sent ... or i'm missing something?



Yes. Haha, sorry that was just the original file again. This is correct.






Thanks for finding this bug Abraham. Mostapha's found a way to cancel analysis with Esc, so I'll add that and this tonight to Ladybug's Github. 



I recently started using Ladybug as a student and it has been a great tool to influence design decisions. I really appreciate your time and effort put into developing this so thank you!

I have an urban site modeled in Rhino and want to run some solar envelop and solar fan studies.  I am able to get the fan and envelope but they don't seem to be changing based on some of the adjacent buildings.  Is the sun path tool supposed to pick up on this geometry or does it need to be imported somewhere?  I'm guessing it has to be plugged in somewhere but not sure where or how to do this....

Is there a gh file out there that has somewhere to import site geometry?

Any help would be appreciated.


Jacob V.

Hi Jacob, 

If I'm understanding the question correctly, what you're looking for isn't accommodated by the tool. The solar envelope/fan does not change based on the 3D geometries of adjacent buildings. It only provides the maximum built volume for a given ground geometry. It's one of the limitations of the tool.   

I think what you're looking for is something closer to an iso solar surface[1]: which weights the volume by solar radiation or illumination levels, and therefore should show how 3D adjacencies effect the envelope/fan. 

Does this answer your question?








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