
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can pull point output t in a future release. It seems redundant to use curve closest point after and also curve closest doesn't have the option of using only the closest pull. Or am I missing some easier way?


Views: 388

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Totally agree.

but pull point doesn't only work with curves... do you want outputs for surface UV and mesh face/vertex as well? seems clunky since the output is dependent on the geometry type in question...

Curve parameters are single numbers, Surface parameters are uv points (which can be represented by xyz points), Mesh parameters have their own data-type already and Brep parameters would be nothing more than a face-index+uv-point for which a data type could be made. I suppose having a generic output that will provide one of the above data types for each type of geometry would be reasonably clean.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks for considering the possibility.
Yea I know but if it can be clean I think its worth it. Or some component that is just for t values?






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