
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

for some reason when animating my main slider in gh

the screen capture out put he gives always includes a glitch error in the image - 

which destroys my output

when printing screen in rhino with command _print [ctrl + P] the glitch isnt there .

the glitch seems to happen as a horizontal cut throughout the whole image and repeats every x amount in height - with same distances & also seems to happen vertically .

you can imagine an invisible grid glitching through my curves . . .

pls help

Views: 915


Replies to This Discussion

Are you using Parallels or VMWare?

hi david -

do u mean mac-windows parellel ? and what is VMWare . . .  ? 

x melo

Yes, are you running Windows on a virtual machine?

The most common ones are Parallels or VMWare, both of which allow you to run Windows 'inside' Mac OS.

im working on windows but i dont see why this is a relevant topic to my problem . . .

im using a PC + windows 7 professional / no mac hard or software involved

It's just that there's often graphics problems when running Rhino on a virtual machine, which is why we don't officially support such a setup.

But if you're running on regular Windows then it's probably a bug of some sort. Can you attach the file(s) that cause this problem?

Another thing to try is to see whether the -_ViewCaptureToFile command works in Rhino. That should ultimately use the same code as the Slider animator.

hi david :)

thanks for ur support .

is there a way i can attatch the rh + gh files on this or another platform cuz the limit of 5mb wont allow me to upload . . . . 

i ran the -_ViewCaptureToFile command - but cant really judge whether the problem with the glitch in the image actually occurs here as well, since the resolution of this command#s output is very low [1377x865pix] 

the output size im aiming for when animating the slider should be 3840x2400pix where the glitch is clearly visible 

and the _print command in rhino with that same output size 3840x2400pix gives no glitch in the image .

all three images r also attatched .

thanks alot - in the meantime im looking for a plugin / component that would allow me to redirect the gh slider animation to a command in rhino that says _print from rhino at every slider change step . . . 

would be awesome if u could recommend me some .

thanks melo


i tested again with thinner lineweights and it got visible that the ViewCaptureToFile command throws no glitch errors. . . 


Ah, those thick pink things are very thick curves? If that's the case then yes, there's a bug where Rhino does not take thickness into account when deciding whether or not to draw a line. If the line is not within the viewport boundary it will not get drawn, even if the thickness would make it visible.

When you export a high resolution image, it is actually composed of small tiles, and within each tile the same clipping bug happens.

The bug has not been fixed yet in Rhino6 either, I'll put it on our bug server.

I created a YouTrack issue (should be publicly visible, but you may need to register to see the url):

If you prefix the ViewCaptureToFile command with a hyphen then you can specify custom resolutions for the output image.

david u r awesome 

u really understood the problem .

the idea is though - i want to animate a slider from my gh def and since the output pngs come with that bug - but the rhino output pictures DONT come with that glitch bug [neither the _print command nor the _viewCaptureToFile command do] ---> so i want to redirect the command of printing my screen from GH to one of the 2 possible RHINO commands AT EACH STEP SIZE in my slider animation .

that means the "animate slider" doesnt make the screenshots by itself [in gh] but lets rhino do them at each slider change .

is that possible with any sort of plugin / component which i dont know / havent found yet . .  ? 

or could u write one with c# . . . 

my friend rob[ert vierlinger] wrote it should say something like this . .


but in best case i would prefer to have alternative #1 [plugin] - where i can define a folder/file path to where my slider animation pictures should get stored etc . . .

or do u have any other idea of how to solve the problem ..?

thanks so much kind regards







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