
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

single surface from multiple surfaces- not join- for evaluating surface

I was trying evaluate a the mobius strip, however have foudn this difficult as I cant creat it from a single surface.
From the images you can see I have done this with a mobius with 2 loops as it is made form 2 circle. This was does from extractign wire frame and sweep, so reconstructs the surface.
However the single loop is made from multiple surfaces, and cannot be done the same way.

Views: 2548


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Sarah,

I was playing around with this last week - you might find it useful. It's not exactly the same, but might be interesting. It creates mobius rings based on different polygons, but the end product is a single untrimmed surface in the same way as a mobius strip. 

All the best,



Hi Sarah,

The problem is that your two curves are segmented (they are made of many lines).

You need to join and rebuild both curves in Rhino before lofting.

Lofting segmented curves (polylines) will create a polysurface whereas lofting two continuous curves creates a single surface.

Hope this help,


Thanks to both of you-

Arthur iv have tried joining and rebuilding and the result i got is shown on the right (the far left is what i am trying to make and the middle image is the basic wireframe outline which create both shapes...)






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