
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sine Wave Along a Curve, Attractor Points to Vary Amplitude & Frequency Along Curve

I would like to create a sine wave that follows a curve, where the frequency of the sine wave can vary at specified points. The variation of frequency can be controlled by user input as only a limited amount of points will be needed.

(right) To the right is a sketch of the desired outcome.

For now, I am only interested in this as a 2d curve to use for a circulation diagram, but it is a nice representation of energy dissapation that could be used in other ways.

(below) This is the definition I'm using for the Sine wave following a specified curve, but cannot figure out how to alter the Amp & Freq at only specified points. (attached)

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It is best if you make your own. Mine are full of bad spirits and un-findable nodes.

Here are

1) slideshow - talks about PM vs FM, which is the stuff of flame wars in DSP channels.

2) wiki

ignore it when it goes into sidebands and harmonic analysis - u don't need that

3) My math formulae inside my definition. It's several years old and I can't let anyone have it unless we swap blood, to prevent aforementioned curse.

y = cos((((2*pi)/s)*fcarr*x) + ... the derivative of the phase integral at time x) - This can be done with basic components or a python script

haha great, Ill get into it.

Thank you.

ok you pass.






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