
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!

I am relatively new to ladybug and honeybee and I thank all the developers for this amazing tool.

My question is how can I reduce my simulation time? I used an IFC file given to me by an architect. Since I could not find a way to convert the layers into surfaces I drew over the model in Rhino and removed all the unnecessary layers since I just needed the exterior surfaces to perform the radiation analysis (added to brep)

My model is in meters and I wonder what would be the right disfrombase value for such a simulation and is it advisable to convert my surfaces and poly-surfaces into a mesh before I run a simulation? I just want to calculate total radiation with different orientation angle.

I am attaching my .gh file and the image of the model. At this point I cannot even see if i do have a valid model and if it is even being run or just stuck ( of course A due to lack of patience and B because of low memory on computer). Any idea how I can run a short simulation on my model and perhaps if it works then let it run and wait for a better resolution?

Best regards,


Views: 463


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Anurag,

You can reduce the simulation time by attaching a boolean with True value to parallel input. Also, you can reduce the grid size. From what I see in the picture, I would say the grid size of 5 meters and distance from base as 0.1 meters should be good enough as a start. You can refine the grid size later on. Also, as long as your geometry is a brep or a mesh, you should be fine.



Hi Devang,

I tried what you suggested and this time I let it run overnight. From literally 8 in the evening until 5 in the morning the simulation was still running. I had to stop it cause I needed to work on my computer as it was taking all the memory. I will try other solutions I guess. Do you have any other suggestions mate?

Best regards,

Anurag Verma

Hi Anurag,

Can you share your file with your geometry internalized? I could take a look. I am sure we just have to reach a practical set of parameters for simulation.


Hey Devang!

Okay so the problem that I had was with the dimensions of the model. I copied the CAD drawing in Rhino and the units set were in meter which led to conversion of milimeters into meters. So, after doing that It worked.

But thank you for following the post. It helped.

Best regards,







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