
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys, I would like to simplify a curve: I think that easy way to do it is removing points under a certain distance value (in this case 10). Is there anyone that could help me? I tried a lot of examples but doesn't work :-(

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Will it always be a rectangle?

Hi Landscape,

Try this:

If you do not get desired result, increase the "Accuracy" slider value.

You will need at least Kangaroo 0.084 plug in for using this definition.
Download it from here.


ok ?

EDIT : you should set the polyline component' C input to True when working with closed polylines

EDIT 2 : and there is a bug when the polyline is closed : the last and the first point are always erased. brb.

EDIT 3 : the solution for closed polylines (add the shift component) (for open polylines the earlier solution will work well)

EDIT 4 : to get solution working with both closed and open polylines, just use remove duplicate points component instead of shifting (kangaroo or some other plugins).


Another way.


and another way, using convex hull.

Well, convex has issues when an inner vertice is closer to an outer vertice than the next outer vertice. But for these shapes it works appropriately.

WOW!!!! Many answers, thanks a lot!! ;-)

@Michael Pryor: geometry could be a sort of rectangle, square.

I'll try all of your examples!! :-)

mmmm, examples seems doesn't work well. I upload my rhino file (there is only an example, original file have more than 1 geometry like this).

You did not mention those additional one side connected walls at the bottom right, and upper left and right corner. Trim them in Rhino.
Apart from that, you seem to have an overlapping walls (curves) too. Delete the parts that overlap. Then join all the curves and apply that final joined (single) curve in one of above posted grasshopper definitions.

By the way, please use the Rhino 4 .3dm file format.
A few people around here are still using that version.

Thank you.

It works!! Thanks a lot Djordie!! OK, next time I'll use Rhino 4 format ;-)

Solution i said should solve this easily.

Unfortunately, no and I don't know why :-(






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