
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I'm trying to make a simple tessellated texture on the front face of a freeform surface. I have spend the last week or so learning about paneling and attraction points. This is the first project I've used grasshopper on and I'm struggling to fit all the pieces of the tutorials I've been watching together to create what I want. Basically I want a repeated shape that is softly extruded (similar to the image I've attached). As the pattern makes it's way off the front of my model I want the extrusion to grow more subtle so it fades into the form. Can someone offer their expertise? Thanks!

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Here's my current grasshopper file. I have my division set up but some of the construction panels are oriented wrong. How do I orient them all so the Y axis is always vertical? Also, how do I set an attraction point on a freeform surface? And how to I use my base tessellation to cut into my form so it looks like the image I attached in the original post? Hopefully this gives a little more for someone to go off. Any ideas? Thanks! I really appreciate any help!



If you are interested in mesh-subdivision algorithm, then try it. You'll need "Weaverbird" plug-in.


Thank you for the help. I tried to install weaverbird by following the instructions here:

I relaunched rhino and launched grasshopper and opened your file, but it said it didn't recognize some components. Any ideas about why that is? Thanks!

There's "Custom Preview Materials" component from "Human" plug-in which may not be able to recognised on Mac. But there's probably no problem to look into GH file without it. It's just for geometry preview purpose.

I'm still getting errors on the weaverbird components. Any ideas? Thanks

I have no idea and if you've properly installed weaverbird, then just redo mesh smoothing part of the definition according to my screen shot.

How would I change the shape of each cell in the tessellation to a hexagon?


You probably don't know about the basics and I assume you found your initial definition from somewhere else...

Please see "this" guide and there's a lot of "materials" about tessellation methods using GH. Try to learn from the basics.

I can not teach you the basics here.

Thank you for your help and advice! I am very new to grasshopper. Just watching as many tutorials as I can! Best






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