
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have tre points in grasshopper and want to make a curve trough these points but cant find any line tool that will make it happen.

I also have a sqGrid and want to chose the first and last point but cant find any tool.. List? sort?

if any one has a clue I would be greatfull!


Views: 607

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Hi Thorup,

It is always better to attach the .gh file.

For the first issue, use the "Interpolate curve" component.

For the second one, you can use the "List Item" component with Flattened input (right click on "L" and choose "Flatten"). Index "0" will give you the first point. To get the last point just right click on "L" and choose "Reverse".

Hey Djordje

Perfect with the curve!!!

and perfect with the first corner in the grid but when i want the diagonally corner from 0,0,0 ( which is the first point) i get in to trouble. when i pull a new "list item" and chose index0, reverse, Flatten it gives me 0,80,0 and im looking for 0,0,80..?

I trying to post a .gh file but the net is weak here and it keeps looping, sorry

Try uploading the file to some free web host:,, ...

and then post the link here.

Reverse and flatten on the component input will be executed in a specific order. If you want to get the item diagonally across, you need to flatten first, then reverse. There are stand alone component, that do flatten and ListReverse. Just connect in the order you need.

Diagonally across would be 0,80,80.

0,80,0 is actually the first item in the last row. If you want to have the the last item in the first row, you can use FlipMatrix in order to swap rows and columns, then your ListItem should return 0,0,80.

If you want to have the first and last item in the first row, just flatten the IntCurves, select the first LiteItem and extract the curves Ends. If you want this for each row, ignore the ListItem.

still in disstress,, as im looking for the last item in the last row, im not gettin any where with reverse or flatten,, ?

Attach you file.

here is a link to the file

not sure if it works, but would be great to see



Try this:


Im not able to download the file..?


Something could be wrong with your internet browser.

If you are using Internet Explorer, try right clicking on upper file, and choose "Save as", instead of just click on the file link.
If that does not work, install Firefox or Chrome, than try just to click on the file link.






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