
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello there, 

I'm trying to shrink wrap a Brep (which I group multiple Breps in Grasshopper) in Rhino. The problem is that I do not know the code and the program needed (or do I even need one besides Kangaroo and Weaverbird) for it since I'm rather new to Grasshopper. I've been trying to follow the codes from this video: , as well as checking out the other threads and I got nowhere. I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me with this. And if you need the Rhino file, I will upload it in the reply. Thank you so much. 

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Thank you Michael. I took a look at these and attempted to do them for 3 hours straight already and I'm still very lost. 

but the definition is posted right there. I have used it before

I did not see that! Thank you so much. You're a savior!






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