
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi again, I'm still working on my pavilion. I want to connect all my trees at the tree tops using the shortest natural path possible, and still have the connects read as part of the branching system. I want to accomplish this using the shortest walk command but I don't know how to use it well. The lines you see in the picture are my first attempt at utilizing shortest walk. The next picture is an example of the code I used; they all use the same code but different variations. Can any one help me? S.L.

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Hmm .. since you are new to the Asylum ... if you ask for the cavalry .. you must provide a definition (ALWAYS do that from this point and on: don't forget the Rhino file if GH fails to internalize the date used).


HAHA aight, here's the definition and the file. I hope you'll be able to understand it. 


P.S.-In using the turtle command from Rabbit, I generated my branching system. I want to select only a few points at the end of my branches, but grasshopper wont let me select a few of the points without selecting all of them. The picture shows an example of what I want to grab, without grabbing all the other points in the group. Is there any way for me to isolate points so I can work with a few a time instead of all at once?






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