algorithmic modeling for Rhino
This is the script of Daniel Abalde's Peacock tapered offset post, here:
My instincts were all off when I was stuck using the Mac version of Rhino for a day, so Boot Camp makes sense even to me and I didn't realize, no, it's not an old school klunky emulator but a real Windows installation you have to reboot the whole machine up into. It should work so the next debugging step would be to try other CMD line program downloads as binaries or to compile yourself to test, to see if it's an obscure Tetgen issue or a general one.
I see. Yes, debugging this on bootcamp would be possible. This time I am being chased by a deadline so need to shift working on laptop but it was very good study. Thank you very much, Nic.
Hello Nik,
I am trying to apply your grasshopper definition to the rabbit.
But it seems that something doesn't work in the Python script. I downloaded the Tetgen files and installed everything on my C: drive.
The problem seems to be line 13 :
p = subprocess.Popen("C:/Tetgen/win32/tet.dll C:/Tetgen/BunnyMeshMachineOptimized.stl" % Minimum_Tet_Volume, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=0x08000000)
I twiked the part in bold because I could't find what the script is looking for...
Can you help me on this please ?
I think you are using an early version of my script that required an STL file, whereas the final version I mentioned to insilico too accepts a normal Grasshopper mesh input and it creates its own temporary STL disk file for Tetgen to operate on.
this GH file needs plug in "mesh pipe"
Where can i get it ?
Moderator you can not download
Hi Nik
I'm still happy with this script. I'm wonder if a 2nd growing Point could be added.
example: simple cube.stl.
1st point at the top left vertex of a cube,
2nd point at the btm right vertex of a cube.
Now let the growing begin :) Would that work?
The starting points A and B are just chosen. Dividing the end points between A and B sets of existing mesh vertices is confusing. There's also medial axis to somehow consider ordering the result for more central core branches:
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