hi, i am trying to use grasshopper (without embedded script) to create a simple diagrid on a series of towers that are all contained within one tree structure.
i am using division points of floor plate perimeter curves as connection points for the diagrid. the only way i can currently get the shift list and culling to work is if i flatten the data, which causes the diagrid connections to connect between the towers.
it seems i am missing some way to control how the culling and shift list can select out various lists contained on branches. or maybe it is easier to divide up the exterior surface with u/v that match the floor plate locations and apply the diagrid to that instead? but i would like to find out if there is a way to apply the shift list and culling within tree structures.
if anyone can make suggestions for applying cull patterns and shift list to branches while keeping them organized separately, or other ways to accomplish this, i would greatly appreciate it! hope this makes sense; i am clearly a novice user. thanks!!