
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I found this definion created by Daniel Piker in the forum.

The problem is, that when you define points, the rheotomic surface is created always in a boundary starting at (0,0).

How can I define the boundary/closed curve, in which the drawing of the rheotomic surfaces will take place?

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Hi Lefteris,

It depends on how you want the surface to relate to the boundary.

If it should just be trimmed by it, then regular boolean operations should work.

(just extrude your boundary vertically and intersect it 'cookie-cutter' style)

However, if you want the equipotentials to actually follow the boundary then it is a rather more difficult but interesting problem. I think this would need the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation.

Indeed its quite interesting and it involves some good maths ..  

My question was a bit more technical though. I actually just  want to scale the boundary as it is, and I can't figure out  how to do that . I dont see  where the boundary is in the definition .

( I hope that does not sound really stupid.. :))

also - on a side note - I was just looking at some nice images of nematic films and Schlieren textures

which I think have some interesting links to rheotomic surfaces

(also singular optics


I have just started using the tool and was wandering if anyone had any further success with changing the size of the boundary?

I am also trying to work out what the custom vector input is used for as I have experimented but have not seen a change in results?







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