I have 2 lists of circles and want to loft between pairs of circles, my problem is that GH lofts through all circles at once.. i can't figure out how to select pairs!
any tips would be awesome.. thanks!
hello dirk,
i am trying to get into the new tree functions and maybe you can be a big help me on an issue.
i have a series of points in a single list that is derived from a uv grid. the uv density should be quite dense later. i want to connect now groups of 4 points with a polyline that will be extruded in the next step. i have created a series for each of the four points, that is picking it from the right position but i cannot get the polyline to work.
worked for me?
did you attach a polyline component?
what type of pattern are you trying to create - may be easier to use a VB script to re-organise your point list - did you want to post a screengrab of your intent.
interesting..I"m trying something similar..to duplicate a certain geormetry (made of differrent shapes) on grid points..it's simple..basicly do the same as I would if I defined a sphere and for the plane I would define the points on the grid.just instead of a sphere make it my shape.problem is that there is no group command so it gets messed up..any ideas?