
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Selecting only the top surface from a list of breps


I have a list of breps selected of various dimensions and faces, none matching. I want to select only the top most faces of these breps. I exploded the faces, but I'm not sure how to filter the list component to only select the top ones. I have a feeling there is an easy fix for this, but I can't seem to figure it out, being new to grasshopper and all.  Any help would be much appreciated!




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I usually do this by taking the normal of each face and then the dot product of the normal and the z axis. 



Thanks Andrew. I tried it that exact definition with the attached file, but didn't get the expected result. Does it work for you?

Oh sorry I had assumed all of the volumes were closed, which guarantees that the normal vectors face out - to get all surfaces that are roughly parallel with the XY plane, feed the absolute value of the dot product into "A" in the Larger component. 

If your volumes are closed this will also give you the bottom, but in your case I think it's what you want. 

That's it! Thanks Andrew!

And here's another approach that might be simpler. 


Cool, both work great! I must admit, I understand the second one more easily.

Hi, I had the same problem but cannot find one icon...whats pComp in long term? Thank you.

It's deconstruct, pDecon.

That's awesome! Thanks a bunch.  I knew dot products were good for something.

simple , love it, thanks aaron !






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