create a component with the following code: If x.IsPointInside(y, doc.AbsoluteTolerance, False) Then a = y
Connect the brep to the 'x' input and the points to the 'y' input.
The script will output the points located inside the brep.
The brep must be closed for it to work properly.
I'm sure my surface is not 100% closed and therefor not working... actually I have a trimmed surface on top of a lofted untrimmed surface.
I can't really join them!
Is there a way to just use the surface as a proximate node and solve the points inside of the area?
I can do it, partly, by slicing the brep in planar surfaces and then cull the nearest point to those planar surfaces... but still I have the issue of getting the planar surfaces out when my brep when is not joined!
What about using sections curves to do the test. Since the 3d grid is rectangular wouldn't it be possible to see which points would be inside section curves (which you close) for each level in the grid. Perform this for each of the surfaces that comprise the form, and the do a search for duplicates afterwards?