If you have a method of determining whether a vector is "negative" or not, all you need to do then is convert that True/False value into an integer (true = 1, false = -1). When you multiple all your vectors with this list of numbers, all the ones that have been marked false will be inverted.
One very stupid question for David (I ask to you because I’ve post in this discussion).
Sorry but I’m a beginner.If I insert the the vector data in the Graft Tree and then in the vector component again (because I tried to have every vector in a single branch) I have a different result if I flow the data directly from the vector component than the panel component, why this happens?
the Text Panel can only handle Text, thus when you plug a bunch of vectors into a TextPanel, they get converted into a textual representation. This text then flows into the Graft component, and it doesn't get converted back into vectors until you plug it into a Vector Parameter again, at which point Grasshopper attempts to parse the text.
It seems to be a bug in the conversion that the text is incorrectly parsed. If I had to guess I'd say that Grasshopper thinks the text represents a Point coordinate (which is a fair guess, points and vectors look the same when written down), but then it proceeds to convert the point into a horizontal plane (which is a bug) and the final step is where it converts the plane z-axis into a vector. It seems the order of automatic conversions is screwed up.
Which version of Grasshopper are you using?
Can you duplicate this network and see if it fails on your machine:
Hi David
Grasshopper 0.6.0019 on Rhino 4.0 SR 6.
I tried your test but it fails, probably in the manner that you explain in your post.
Look at the picture.
I recently had to identify negative vectors in a recent definition. Try this discussion for the image. http://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/is-there-a-more-elegant-way The solution that was suggested looked promising but I had to resort back to mine as it only worked when the reference plane was Z = 0.
I've try to find a solution with the indication of the other two post.
I used only 3 vectors, please Maurice, can you make some tests and tell me if it works for you?