
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is there a way to locate values in multiple lists and retrieve some kind of indices without flattening?

Typically I would just flatten the data>create set>member index to get the original index values of each distinct element of the flattened list. But I was hoping to do this without flattening. I'm not sure if it's even possible...

Any feedback helps, Thanks!

Views: 1281

Replies to This Discussion

You can use the [Find Similar Member] component if all you need are the indices.

Hey Stephen thanks for the reply,

However, I'm not interested in finding "similar" values I need to know if that exact item is in each path. The similarity threshold is throwing off my results. However, the index output is what I was looking for.

Let me know if you have any other ideas.

Thanks again!

You can see how its still getting results for "similar" values. Even though {3736} doesn't contain 0.88, 0.88 is similar to 0.87 so I'm getting a 2 when it should be empty.

Swap your "D" and "S" input params.

EDIT: Feel free to post your def. with the internalized values so I can work with your branch structure.

Awsome, that works! Thanks again Stephen!






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