
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


im stuck with my def because i cannot solve this one

the items (index 1) oft the very left branch should be compared with the items in the middle.

check item 0 (middle) with every 1 item on left. if there is a hit dont search further but take corresponding branch and list it as the first branch in the new tree (shown right) and exlude it for the next comparison.

check item 1 (middle) with every 1 item on left. if there is a hit dont search further but take corresponding branch and list it as the second branch in the new tree (shown right) and exlude it for the next comparison.


and so on ... i assume im thginking way to complicated so plz help ! thank you


Views: 331

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If you don't mind of using iterative method by scripting or plug-in like "Anemone", then this could be a way.


wow thank you very much. i hoped that it would be easier ;-) i dont know anything about anemone but it works ! thanks !!






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