
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to scale a voronoi 2d shapes depending on their distance to the attractor point. so the closer the shapes are to the attractor, the smaller they should get.


So far, I've been able to scale them but not the way I want...

I thought it was going to be easy but I'm having a hard time, hope someone can help me.


Thank you!


Views: 56385


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thanks Chris!!

hi chris,

i've played a bit on your definition,
and wanted to ask you a question.

how do you see the voronoi offset are uneven at the edges.
the irregularity has to do with the input of the box and voronoi cells.
i do not quite what happened there,
but is there a solution, to create a variable and uniform edge?

maybe it would be a possibility,
if from box-curve is not created an offset?


create a box from your rectangle (ex: extrude) and input that on voronoi component (B input).

dear manuel,

perhaps i have misunderstood you,

but this is similar like chris method.

and the problem is not solved.

by the way, i mean uniform offset edges!

maybe something like this!

i've found with the help of systemiq a solution,

that always an equal distance will be present by the "offset-edges" .

thanks to systemiq!
if you are interested in this definition, then ask systemiq.
he is the owner...

Thanks Chris, this is a great definition! Any ideas on how one could scale the cells smaller the farther away they are from the attractor rather than closer? I'm not looking to inset the cells or anything. I've tried setting up the inverse of the scale factor but no luck yet...

Edit: Got it, Just switched the values in the Domain!

How would you make this project onto a curved surface?

All of the previous replies-still scale the voids-not the main cells-So here in the attachment definition, i had related an attractor point to the position of closest points to move out.Consequently, you have a bigger cells with smallest voids in the near of the attractor points.Enjoy


other ideas !


dear fernando,

very good def.







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