
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I've an hard time figuring out why my series is interpolating my polyline curves with my scale component.

I've 29 entries from my split list, and I don't know where these bunches of curves are coming from. Any ideas would be well appreciated. 

Below the screenshot.


Views: 397

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Hi David, attaching a file might help getting a better answer, but it looks like you should flatten the C input of the scale component. You can see it has a dashed wire while the F and C inputs don't, so it could be a data matching issue.

Thank you Mire, 

That worked perfectly... What exactly means the dashed lines? Sorry to ask. 

I tried to flatten G and F input, everything but this one. 

Thank you a million times, really helps.


// lines meaning

David, it has to do with the organization of the data that flows from one component to the other. When a component uses several inputs they need to have a certain structure so that the component knows how to match them correctly.

Look here for an explanation on wires appearance, and here for an overview of how data is stored in Grasshopper.

Thank you very much Mire.







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