
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am wondering if there is a such way to save a grasshopper file when rhinoceros crash occurs?

Because, the plug-in I use for Grasshopper have some data which i need for further investigation and once I close not working Rhino, the results in grasshopper plug in diminishes even in the auto-saved version of grasshoper files.

I will also appreciate if somebody suggest me to prevent such crashes before take in place. 

Thank you.

Best regards,

Views: 1071

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No, when a crash occurs it is too late to do much of anything. It is however possible to trigger autosaves at specific moments in time. Would that help?

Thank you Mr.Rutten

That is very interesting way to save the file indeed and I would like to know how it could be done.

I also checked grasshopper's file autosave options. However, it doesn't have the option for "save in every ... time". Instead, it seems like file is autosaved when there is a change occured in the document. 

That is true, autosaving is not a timer based system but an event based system. It just seems to make more sense because autosaving is not necessary if nothing has changed, even if nothing has changed for hours on end.

You can ask the GH_Document to perform an autosave operation. This will only be attempted if the document already has an actual file location (ie. it can't be unnamed*), if the autosave ID (if provided) differs from the previous time autosave was called, and if the autosave reason is not marked as Ignore by the user via the preferences.

The easiest way to implement this would be to add a custom VB or C# component to your document which calls this GH_Document.AutoSave() method when you want it to. This can either be an event based system or you can have it depend on timers. Do note that it may take a while to save a large file, especially if it contains a lot of internalised data, so you probably don't want to do this every 10 seconds.

What sort of event would you like to use to trigger Autosaves and what sort of manual control over this process would you like?

I have checked the GH file and its 1mb when all data is internalized. I hope its not that big file. 

It is a simulation based optimization using LB and HB component coupled with Octopus (Optimization plug-in). What is actually happening is that Octopus component looses its internalized data when the rhino crashes. Even the separately recorded simulation results using a combination of "record" + "panel" components' data are gone as the rhino's unexpected crash.
Therefore event-based saving method would be perfect since it could save the GH file after every iteration. Thereby, I hope that the "panel" component's recorded data could be saved as GH file autosave.

Kind regards.

Panels do not record the data they display if they inherit that data from elsewhere. If the data goes missing when you save, close, then reopen the file, autosaving more often is not going to help you.

The only people who can write the data inside the LB and HB and Octopus components to a file are the developers of those plugins. If you only care about not losing whatever data is send to a text panel, then that panel can be set up to always write its contents to the disk. In the panel menu there are streaming options which allow you to set this up. Do be careful because panels will overwrite old files when they stream to them.

I really appriciate your suggestions. I have tried some plug-in that does export panel component's data to other programs such as to excel. In this case excel have the recorded data even the rhino crashes. This is the only way working right now. However, more deeper depth of data which only could be seen on the plug-ins doesn't saved. 

Nonetheless, I will test it out the streaming option of the panel component. It might be easier than using excel write plug-ins.

Thank you very much and have a great weekend.

Kind regards.

Could you teach me how to do this?

Thank you






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