
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys,

I've got a question about simulating some origami patterns and was hoping to get some help please.

I've got a modified crease pattern that I want to simulate rather than fold it manually to see how it forms. Is there any way of doing so? I heard that Kangaroo might have a way but I don't know how to even start with it. I'm trying to create a cured surface out of the fold...

I tried Rigid Origami Simulator but was hoping to use grasshopper instead. I've attached the rhino and grasshopper file and also the folded miura outcome.


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could anyone help to solve this " error "  _wbCatmullClark ?

I am not sure whether it is kangaroo or birdweaver ?

Thank you in advance

Drag a window to zoom ( All  Dynamic  Extents  Factor  In  Out  Selected  Target  1To1 ): _Extents
Command: _wbCatmullClark
Please select meshes to apply the wbCatmullClark command to ( Level=1  NakedEdges=Smooth  Replace=Yes  KeepOnSrf=No ):
Failure in last command. The wbCatmullClark command did not complete.

wb is Weaverbird.  I'm not sure why the rhino command might fail.  I do know that if your mesh topology is bad that various weaverbird components in grasshopper will fail.  Have you checked your mesh topology?

thanks for your answer  *^^*

I downloaded an "already made" script from this thread, 102 KB

I suppose the script is correct, since Lynuz Tan (see above) could use it ?

Any hint on how to solve the Weaverbird path/installation ?

thank you in advance

Hi guys, i would like to get a little bit of help here, im trying to use a origami tessellation onto a mesh

and I was thinking to use every squeare of the mesh for every fold of this pattern but to be honest Im not that good. I would like to get some guidance on this please.

here is the rhino file and thanks a lot.


Hello Lynuz,

i was trying to work on a similar project for university..i would be really glad if you could share the rhino file of this definition







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