
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

so i been looking at rhino common and there is a lot of change between that and the old .net dll. is there some sort of guide to the changes or is it to new. i am just wondering should we try to rewrite a component using only rhinoCommon or stick the to the old .net dll for custom gha's 

like one question is that there is no longer all the array classes like arrayOn3dPoint. so do we now just write arrays the more standard .net way with point3d[], which i am all for. 

ps. from what i have seen i like the changes to the grasshopper.dll structures and new overloads that were added. 

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i think (if i am wrong somebody correct me)the best place for such questions is the Newsgroup: rhino.plug-ins (
wow the old school news group. they need to make a site like this.
thanks for the link
the best way to use it is with mozilla thunderbird

I'm missing out on how to extract segments from polycurves in RhinoCommon?

I can see there's a property for SegmentCount, and I can see you can find intervals for segments. But can I still extract lines, arcs and other curves forming the polycurve?

Thanks in advance,

try this in a c# node where x is set to type Curve. just create a poly curve made up of arcs, lines, and what ever and plug it into x

Rhino.Geometry.PolyCurve pc = new Rhino.Geometry.PolyCurve();
pc = x as Rhino.Geometry.PolyCurve;

Curve[] pcParts = pc.Explode();
A = pcParts;

for (int i = 0; i < pcParts.Length; i++)
Print(string.Format(" is of type {0}", pcParts[i].GetType()));

Thanks for your help, I'd overlooked explode.






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