
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

have the Miter arguments been dropped form the  Rhino.Geometry.SweepOneRail class? I understand these arguments were availble pre rhinocommon. How does one create miters at the kinks of a polyline or joined curve?


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I just haven't gotten around to adding these yet.  I'll try to add some miter options this week.




thanks for the reply.


That would be awesome if you could find time for updating this! I hit a brick wall yesterday trying to find a way to miter my swept surface at kinks.


When you update rhinocommon how does that relate with the current build of grasshopper? Can I reference a new build of rhinocommon with an existing reference to grasshopper or do I have to wait until David also releases a new build of grasshopper with a reference to the updated rhinocomon build?





If you are using Rhino 5, then Grasshopper uses the build of RhinoCommon that ships with Rhino 5.  This means that your miter addition will be available as soon as the next V5 Beta is released (typically every Tuesday)


If you are using Rhino 4, you need to wait for the next build of Grasshopper.  Grasshopper uses a special build of RhinoCommon when it is loaded in Rhino 4.


Hope that makes sense. Oh and by the way, I've already added the miter code to RhinoCommon so it will be available in the next build.

But it doesn't work in my latest Rhino 5(and grasshopper 08.0050)?



Did you get it to work yet?


Yes, i now see the miter option in build *51 of grasshopper, good job, thanks. Ill revise my code this after work and let you know if it works, thanks again

Hey steve, I have tried the miter option for various values of 0 1 and 2. It doesnt appear to do anything. I have tested it with a polyline.



Steve any news on this?






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