
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I read on that

"Rhino 4.0 Plug-ins will load and run in the 32-bit version of Rhino 5.0. Plug-ins will need to be recompiled for the 64-bit version of Rhino by the plug-in developer. Until they’re ready, you may need to run the 32- and 64-bit versions of Rhino 5.0 side by side."

Is there a version of Grasshopper that will work with Rhino 5.0 Beta?


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Grasshopper is a dotNET plugin, which doesn't require a recompile to be used natively on a 64bit system. So whether you're using 32 bit or 64 bit Rhino 5, it should be fine. To add, 64 bit systems are able to run both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the program if available. All the plugins available for v4 should work in v5, although ones that are not dotNET based (C++ for those keeping score at home) will require that you fire up the 32 bit version, not the 64 bit. Just to make sure no one gets confused, GH should work in either version.
That's very good news.

Thank you!
I've just tried the "Grasshopper" command in Rhino 5, which didn't recognize it. Shouldn't it have?
Nevermind, found solution.


"Reply by David Rutten on May 19, 2009 at 10:24am
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Hi Carsten,

1) Start Rhino5

2) Drag+Drop Grasshopper.rhp from the Rhino4 plug-in folder into the Rhino5 window."
Thanks a lot, this worked for me :)

thanks! you helped me too)

Actually it should have. We need to add a feature to Rhino5 that will make it look for plugins in the Rhino4 locations as well. Since plugins can be shared amongst both platforms, that should probably be the default.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
I tried dragging and dropping grasshopper.rhp from Rhino4 plug-in folder, but it didn't work.

"Drag and drop unable to load plug-in C:\Program Files (x86)\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Grasshopper.rhp"

Anyone know what's up? I'm using the latest WIP for both Rhino and Grasshopper
I fixed it by renaming my Rhino 4.0 folder, and reinstalling grasshopper. Copy the freshly installed grasshopper folder into 5.0 plug-in folder, and drag that rhp file into 5.0. Worked perfectly :)

hi there, 

I have the same problem too, so I would like to ask what did you rename the "Rhinoceros 4.0" folder to? because I "Copy the freshly installed grasshopper folder into 5.0 plug-in folder, and drag that rhp file into 5.0". It still doesnt work on mine==

Many thanks

Hi. Were you able to solve the problem? How? Thanks and regards.

Right now I'm running Rhino 5 (64bit) on a 64bit machine windows 7. I've copied the GH folder of the Rhino 4 version in to Rhino 5 plugins and the gH works, actually it calls GH properly. But I can't get any preview on the rhino viewports. Hope its going to get fixed un further versions






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