algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Can you post your installation log file please. It can be found here:
In the mean time details about reverting back to version 0.9.0014 link is here
Yes. Upload the file 20130515-143859 which is the latest modified file
We'll need to find and solve this loading problem though. Can't have you stick with 0.9.0014 for ever. Let me know if you have some time to test again and I can send you a special build which may help us narrow down the search.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
So what's most likely happening is that the loading completes, but it gets stuck just after that. I'll add additional logging and post an update here when done.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
i have got the same problem.
First GH splash was hanging loading Lunchbox,
after force quit, removing Lunchbox + restarting, it was hanging on Kangaroo
after removing Kangaroo, it was hanging on ...
Removed all libraries, finally hanging on Vector.
Seems like it can't make the step from loading the last module to actually starting GH.
cheers, frank
It's not a Lunchbox or Firefly or Vector problem. The hang happens after the last library loads, whatever it is.
I've put a special debug build with extra logging on my dropbox folder. Please download and install. During loading there will be some information written to the Rhino command history. If all goes well it will look like:
Command: Grasshopper
Grasshopper <time>: Loading all external files...
Grasshopper Load: DocumentEditor constructed
Grasshopper Load: Invariant Culture enforced
Grasshopper Load: DocumentEditor.Show() called
Grasshopper Load: DocumentEditor.Load event
Grasshopper Load: Window styles applied
Grasshopper Load: TextRendering style applied
Grasshopper Load: Ribbon updated
Grasshopper Load: Toolbar updated
Grasshopper Load: Window positioned
Grasshopper Load: Menu shortcuts loaded
Grasshopper Load: Version Label updated
Grasshopper Load: CanvasDocumentChanged event raised
Grasshopper Load: MenuDocumentsDropDownClosed event raised
Grasshopper Load: DocumentEditor.Show() completed
Grasshopper Load: Main window focused
Grasshopper Load: DocumentEditor positioned
I'd like to know how far it gets on your computer.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi david,
I tested your debug version: GH starts successfully and the log looks identical to yours above. Only after I repositioned the libraries into the 'libraries' folder, it will get stuck on 'lunchbox' (which btw is the last one of all plugins in alphabetical order in that folder...)
I should mention at this point that everything works fine on my desktop, and this issue occurs on a mac-parallels-win7 system. Although, I don't consider this a possible cause, but who knows...
The 'switching to desktop' - trick didn't work for me, unfortunately.
cheers, frank
Can you tell which .NET frameworks have been installed on your parallels box?
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
– Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended (4.0.30319)
– Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
Updated to .Net 4.5:
Now it works!
It just still takes a couple of seconds for the last module. Maybe i just had to be more patient.
No, wait!
It fails or succeeds totally unpredictable. 2 out of 5 tries it works, mostly fails. When it hangs,
Grasshopper Load: DocumentEditor.Show() called
is the last line in command line.
I even have to restart windows every time since the task manager can't quit the process...
Any advice welcome!
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