
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello there!

as you can see in the picture I made this simple undulated  pattern, the problem is that the gradient movement is going from left to right (or right to left with reverse list), how can I make it in vertical direction bottom-up?

listing the sub srf in horizontal instead of vertical.

I hope it is clear.

thank you.

Views: 6512


Replies to This Discussion

It's surprising to me that it isn't in a component (or if it is, I don't know where!) but I think what you want to do is transpose your trimmed isosurface u/v's.  It's really easy to do this through code...if you use a vb script component, right-click on an input variable (x and y are the defaults) and under the type hint option select surface.  Then double click into the vb component and type A = x.Transpose.  That will flip your u/v's and the rest of your definition should follow.

i found this conversation that can be useful :

I tried your VB-suggestion, but I think I am missing something.


post your def to touch it a little bit 

Hi Paul,

I would use the Lunch Box Plug-in Swap Srf component to change the orientation of your input surface 






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