
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to work on penalty functions to set up structural constraints in Galapagos optimization.

To do so, I would like to know how to acess the follow itens in C# while scripting in Karamba:

-Beams axial stress by node (or utilization) list

-Shells Von-Mises stress by node (or utilization) list

-Nodal displacements list

-Element buckling information

Thanks in Regard,

Márcio Sartorelli

Views: 501

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Hello Márcio,

the definition below contains C# components which retrieve the nodal displacements, beam- and shell- results from calculated Karamba models. It is based on Karamba 1.2.0.

In order to get the results per node one needs to avarage the results of the elements which connect to the node.

Do you mean by buckling information the NII force or buckling lengths?




Hello Clemens,

Thank you very much! It will help a lot. Regards the buckling information, I seek for the buckling lenght.

I just got only one problem at beam Utilization, it gives me the following error:

It's written in portuguese that there is no "sig_max", "sig_min" or "tau_max" that acepts a first argument of "Karamba.Results.UtilizationResults_Beam". I'm using Karamba 1.1.0.



In order to use "sig_max"... you have to switch to Karamba 1.2.0.

For the cross section optimization according to EC3 Karamba uses a buckling length for each beam-element which is either user defined via the ModifyBeam-component or calculated using a simplified approach (see manual).

The real buckling length is however determined by the overall structural behavior (think of the upper girder of a truss) and is quite tricky to calculate exactly.



Also, I would like to know if there is a way to, when doing a second order analysis, get the buckling factor even if the structure will buckle. That way it would be possible to consider the global buckling factor inside the optmization routine.

By now i'm only setting up a real high penalty if the second order analysis results a null model, but it is not the ideal thing to do.

The solver in Karamba 1.1.0 reports an error and does not return a valid model in case of a second order theory analysis where the load level is beyond the buckling load. In Karamba 1.2.0 you will get a warning instead and a model from which you can determine the corresponding buckling load factor.








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