
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Let´s say I have a list of data, and I randomly extract a few values from that data and then want to be able to do something with the data that is left. How would I go about doing that?
I tried the Cull Nth component, but it returns a mess.

More indepth: I have a list of points. Through a random component I generate numbers. A List Item component extracts the points with the index of the generated numbers. Now I want to interact with the rest of the points - all except those with the index the random component gave me.

What could be an intelligent solution? I just come up with unflexible useless longwinded ones...

Views: 219

Replies to This Discussion

Try using the "Dispatch" component instead of "Cull Nth" - you'll need to create a list of boolean values that reference the points you want to extract. The component separates your input list into two lists - the data corresponding to "true" values and data corresponding to "false" values.






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