
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am working on an animation project that resembles multiple water ripples using the graph mapper and mass addition.  I want to be able to use a parametric curve instead of the graph mapper so I can customize and animate the mesh much easier, but can't figure out how to recreate the results of the graph mapper with a curve.

I think the main problem is I don't really understand how the graph mapper works, which is why I feel lost trying to recreate the results using a curve. 

Could anyone let me know the basics of how the component works? And how I can recreate the same results but with a curve?

I have attached the simplified definition with the "water ripple" mesh and a parametric sine curve I'd like to replace with the graph mapper. I'd really appreciate any help with this definition. 


Views: 1043


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Hello I am sure that what you want has already been posted on this forum, I can't find it !
There is that
In order to reproduce graph mapper you have to use bounding box of the curve to get height, length then generate x data between xmin and xmax and find y or z on the curve, these ordinate values will become the output of your custom graph mapper

Perhaps this will be the case if you applied the method Laurent said to your definition.







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