
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I'm doing my first steps in Grasshopper and I'm lost.

I created a beautiful script creating a tentacle out of cubes using imported curve path.

The problem is that I don't know how to make script work for multiple curves.

It works fine when Curve object is assigned to a single curve.

Please, give me a hint!

I know there must be a dumb solution for this. (except copying hole script x times)


(I googled with no luck.)

Views: 1317


Replies to This Discussion

Try right-clicking on your curve reference component and selecting "graft" as an option.  It will create a separate data branch for each of your curves...that should do the trick.

Thank you a lot!

Your suggestion made me walk through the whole script with a Param Viewer and I found out, that in one single place both Paths turn into one. The problem was, that one component was not dependant on the multiple Curve, but directly on Number Sliders which created only single value.

Now it's working like a charm!

Happy holidays! ^_^

I also did it this way just using the "tree8" plugin.

P.S. cool definition


Hi Jonish,

You need to reparametrize your curves, then Graft them at you division.

Uploaded a file for you.









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