
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to create a curve out of points. The points are not in the order i want them to be. I am trying to set the order so as my curve follows the pipe that you see in the file

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You could use the sort along a curve component

I could do that if I had the curve! I want to sort the points and then create a curve out of them


dokimase ayto

einai vb component kai nomizw sou kanei. eixe doulepsei se kati paromoio pou exw kanei.

paizei na sou vgalei warning oti einai old alla douleyei

geia sou nq5!

katarxin se euxaristw polu, h alitheia einai oti to arxeio pou mou esteiles eftase pio konta apo otidipote allo sto na lisei to thema mou. Iparxei omws ena provlima pou proekipse to opoio pragmatika den katalavainw. Enw ksekinaei kala apo to 0 mexri to simeio 202 meta mpleketai ligo...

kalispera. sto katw katw brep, pou ginetai kai to provlima, vgainei giati ama to deis ontws einai i mikroteres apostaseis etsi. ara nomizw oti gia to ayto to  brep den einai o swstos tropos na ginoun short ana apostasi giati vgazei simeio (ston 3d xwro) me miroteri apostasi apo to proigoumeno tou,apenanti. epidi ginetai mono sto katw brep dokimasa na  kanw manually cull ta simeia gia na erthoun se seira opws les.(des to arxeio).mallon einai ligo bakalia auto pou sou proteinw alla den mou skaei allos tropos. (mathainw akoma). Isws kapoios me pio kales gnwseis se lists klp na mporei na voithisei parapanw 


se eyxaristw nq5! tlk auto p ekana itan na xrisimopoihsw to button pou m esteiles kai opou xreiazontan apla espaga tin curve se duo omades simeiwn: mia dld mexri 202 kai alli mia ta alla kai meta join! thanks pantws voithtises para polu!!!

Very nice set of components. 

Yes David Mans has created and shared very nice stuff






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