algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I was always using the script from Giulio's website to render animation. As it's obsolete for some time and it doesn't seem to work with newest versions of GH, I decided to rewrite it.
It's basically the same as the original. I just added the possibility to bake to a specific layer so that v-ray materials can be used.
Quite useful with camera control plugin.
The example file attached.
"Huge resolutions, transparent backgrounds, lots of cool features - no render time!"
+ Auxpecker
I second that, seems like it would be great...
I have a slider animation of which I dont need VRay renders but actually just screenshots of the geometry in rendered mode, but in its baked form and not the ghosted grasshopper display.. is there a way to automate this process? I don't quite understand how the baking-deleting loop works in Guilio's definition unfortunately...
Would very much appreceate any help - thank you!
Just a heads up- you left the timer enabled in the script….
So it loads and starts rendering right away...
I have a point on a curve, where panels turn according to that point. How can I link, that point into this component? The end result I'm trying to achieve is an animation of these panels during a time lapse. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
try using evaluate curve instead of point on curve. Then you can use the scripted counter to drive the point along the curve. If you want 200 frames, you can remap the counter from 0-200 to 0-1 (or just divide the counter number by the number of frames, in this case 200). Feed the result into the evaluate curve parameter - make sure the curve is reparameterized.
So I replaced my point on curve with a evaluate curve component, but I'm not entirely certain how the "Interval, reset, script" works with the final render animation script.
The counter just increments 1 every time the timer fires. The B output should connect to the Activate input on giulio's component, and the C output connects to the current input. Make sure you have the timer hooked up to the scripted C# component and that the timer is active.
You can divide the C output by the interval input (200) and plug that result into your evaluate curve component. the point will travel 1/200th of the curve's length every time the timer fires (assuming your curve is reparameterized).
Is it possible to have more than one material in a scene?
I'm running Jacek's script, and while the timer is firing, the increments are growing, and the geometry is changing, vray isnt capturing the image. Anyone have this problem before?
Have you turned on batch render in Vray?
Thanks to you and Giulio for this fantastic tool-
I have a question that may be simple to answer: In previous versions, the "truth buffer" had a boolean toggle to reset the system. Now there is nothing connected to reset, and the toggle doesn't work. I admit I dont really know the operations of the c# component-- the only way I'm getting a reset is connecting some value to the reset input and then deleting it. How do you suggest resetting the system?
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