
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

if i have two sets of vornoi curves, where I've removed some of the curves based on certain parameters, there remains a set within the two that intersect.


Is there a way to remove the curves that have the same area?


I've tried using the intersection component, but that only gives me the data numbers (the area) of the ones with the same area. I can't really seem to figure out a way past that.

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can u post the definition?
the points are there, and its when you see it in plan. i've tried using some of the sets components, and they dont seem to be helpful right now..
by the way, it's the cull largest area component and the cull larger elevation that needs to be intersected, to find similar area curves

you can use the area to produce a cull pattern

1. if you want to remove just the duplicates and keep the originals, search for "remove duplicate numbers" in the forum search here


2. if you want to remove all duplicates use this: (i cull the list numbers but you can use the cull pattern to cull the curves)

I use the mass addition component to count the true/false values...






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